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Clone Systems - Business Security Intelligence

Properly Secure Your Enterprise Network

Clone Guard Real-Time Network Security

Clone Guard free network audit

Clone Systems is a global network security provider established in 1998 that provides best-in-class solutions for securing your network. Their established industry presence and innovative solutions utilizing cutting edge technologies make your security position a tenable operating expense rather than an obstructive capital cost. Furthermore, Clone Systems award-winning service guarantees that your security initiatives will be implemented and maintained with the highest regard.

With over 1,000 clients and 3,000+ nodes protected, Clone Systems is an industry leader providing comprehensive network security services that yield world-class protection for your enterprise. Clone Systems’ proven suite of network security products and services penetrate an ever evolving market detecting malicious activity, preventing intrusions, and improving compliance, all while reducing your operating costs.

Clone Systems Managed Security and Security Scanning Services are designed with the Small to Medium Business in mind, allowing your enterprise to focus on its important matters, without having to be concerned about the safety and security of your network.

Managed Security Scanning Services
Clone Guard Managed Services
The security of your enterprise shouldn't be your first concern of the day.

With Clone Systems Managed Security services, you won't have to continuously worry. They provide 24/7/365 network security monitoring and management services. Using top-tier products and expert IT personnel, they ensure pre-emptive response and total network protection. Clone Systems is your trusted Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP).

Clone Guard Log Retention and Reporting
Log Retention and Reporting

Clone Guard® Log Retention and Reporting Service allows Clone Systems Certified Security Engineers to collect and review your system logs to analyze and determine any threats or attacks on your network.

Clone Guard Monitoring and Reporting
Log Monitoring and Reporting

Clone Guard® Event Log Monitoring & Reporting takes Clone Guard® Log Retention & Reporting to the next level by providing real-time Event Log Management.

Clone Guard Managed Firewall and VPN
Managed Firewall and VPN

Clone Systems has combined both their Clone Guard Managed Firewall and Clone Guard Managed VPN services to provide a powerful, customized, monitored security solution for your network and data transfers.

Clone Guard Managed UTM
Managed UTM

A UTM solution that's developed, maintained, and supported by Clone Systems® off-loads the complexities of activity detection and reporting while providing essential security 24x7x365.

Close Guard Scanning Services
Clone Systems' offers a suite of Security Scanning services.

Strengthen and analyze the security posture of your IT infrastructure prior to an audit by utilizing one of Clone Systems industry leading scanning services. You can initiate Vulnerability, PCI, or Penetration Testing scans, On-demand. The scans are intended to test your organization's defensive countermeasures and identify exploits as well as threats, before someone else does

Clone Guard PCI Scanning Service
PCI Scanning

Payment Card Industry Compliance
The PCI Security Standards Council has authorized Clone Systems to provide certified PCI Vulnerability Scanning solutions via the Clone Guard PCI advanced vulnerability scanning engine.

Clone Guard Vulnerability Scanning
Vulnerability Scanning

Clone Guard Enterprise Vulnerability Scanning Service is an aggressive scanning service that identifies vulnerabilities efficiently and accurately, protecting critical network assets and intellectual property.

Clone Guard On-Demand Penetration Testing
On-Demand Penetration Testing

On-Demand full-scale penetration test of your installation that will provide compliance-level verification of your network in the most streamlined and cost-effective avenue available.

Clone Guard Web App Penetration Testing
Web App Penetration Testing

Clone Systems network engineers will needle, probe, poke, and assault your online app's in every way they can imagine. Clone Systems getting there first is the best preventative strategy to stop intruders from ever appearing where they don't belong.

Since Clone Systems inception, they have distinguished themselves by the thorough nature of their solutions, around-the-clock customer support, and their service guarantees, which are among the most comprehensive in their industry.

Clone Systems delivers both ready-made and customized security solutions that assure the veracity of your data and all assets and resources in your network. Their team of highly trained network security and infrastructure engineers provide expert assessments and recommendations regarding intrusion protection, detection, and response, at either your local installation or at their managed enterprise data centers.

There exists no more important consideration for your enterprise than the safety of the data residing on it. And the risks to that data grow exponentially each year. Your strategy for dealing with these surreptitious threats can quite literally be the difference between success and failure for your business. Clone Systems would welcome the opportunity to lend their security expertise to your organization and enterprise.

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Clone Guard Managed Network Security