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Cyberoam Outbound Spam Protection
Protects service providers from recurring incidents of outbound spam in their networks

Cyberoam’s Outbound Spam Protection solution protects service providers from recurring incidents of outbound spam in their networks, helps reduce costs of providing service, provide a competitive differentiation, better customer service and enable getting higher revenue. Service providers include ISPs, email & web hosting providers, SaaS providers and free email service providers.

Outbound spam in service provider networks arises due to zombie computers, compromised accounts and legitimate spammer accounts And its consequences for service provider’s include higher costs of providing service and wastage of operations / IT time, inability to meet SLAs and blacklisted IP addresses.

Existing approaches to mitigate outbound spam include the use of standard inbound spam technologies in reverse, blocking port 25 or entire IP ranges and manual handling by the abuse team. These approaches are not effective and deal with the symptoms instead of the root cause and hence, are unable to identify the spammer source

Feature Feature Description Benefit
Outbound Spam Filtering
  • Block outbound spam
  • Detect locally generated outbound spam
  • Detect outbound spam that is a part of a global outbreak
  • Real time spam detection and blocking
  • Low false positive rate
  • No more blacklisting of IP addresses
  • Reduced helpdesk and anti-abuse IT team calls – reduced costs of providing service
  • Protect your client’s IT networks from spam
  • Identify real time spam outbreaks – locate the spammer
  • Protect corporate reputation
Recurrent Pattern Detection
  • Automated spam protection based on distribution pattern
  • Content-Agnostic Technology
  • Signature-less technique
  • Zero-hour outbound spam protection with no wait for signature updates
  • Narrow window of exposure
  • High spam catch rate
  • Multi-language security against all types of spam viz pdf, excel, mp3
Spammer Identification
  • Identify spammer source – email addresses of spammers and samples of blocked emails
  • Helps to eliminate real source of outbound spam